In recent years, the push for sustainable energy solutions has led to the widespread adoption of photovoltaic (PV) systems, commonly known as solar panels, in buildings. However, as we strive for cleaner energy, it's crucial to address the fire safety concerns associated with these systems. This article delves into the integration of PV panels in modern buildings, highlighting the technological advancements and the potential fire risks, especially in high-rise structures. By understanding these challenges, we can ensure that our move towards renewable energy is both safe and effective.
Integrated Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in Buildings
Photovoltaics (PV) refers to the technology that is used to generate an electric current from sunlight, with the most prevalent being solar panels. The introduction of Building Code Australia (BCA) Clause J9D5 in NCC 2022 Volume 1, shown in Figure 1, has seen a general increase in the number photovoltaic (PV) panels being installed on roofs of new buildings. Photovoltaics, (PV) refers to the technology that is used to generate an electric current from sunlight, with the most prevalent being solar panels. However, in NCC 2025 this Clause, shown as a draft in Figure 2, is likely to be modified with a push towards 100% roof coverage for PV panels.

Figure 1. Excerpt of BCA Clause J9D5 from NCC 2022 Volume 1

Figure 2. Excerpt of BCA Clause J9D5 from NCC 2025 Volume 1
As technology develops, photovoltaic systems will see advancements as well. With the development of integrated PV panels incorporated into roof tiles, 100% coverage is viable in dwelling houses. Whilst, NCC Volume 1 does not apply to such emerging cases, it is not unreasonable to assume that such provisions may be introduced in the future as the world moves towards cleaner sources of energy.
However, in the last 10 years we have seen a general shift towards high rise apartment buildings within the construction industry. However, this introduces a new problem for compliance with NCC J9D5, as the roofs are generally a communal area. Consequently, a100% roof coverage is not a viable option.
Options such as integrated PV panels are being developed for the construction industry. The International Energy Agency defines an integrated PV panel as those that are, "designed to be a construction product, and that would need to be replaced by another construction product if dismounted, as opposed to building attached photovoltaics that do not fulfil any construction purpose." [1]
There are numerous methods to integrate PV panels into building elements, with the most common being laid across the roof. Special roof tiles incorporating small PV panels are used in lieu of traditional roof tiles, thereby potentially achieving the 100% roof coverage stipulated by the NCC.
Another option looks at integrating the PV panel with glazed windows [2]. However, due to technical limitations, the glazed PV panel is unable to generate as much power as a traditional PV panel. Whilst such systems provide a means of generating clean energy, the impacts on fire safety and overall fire concerns are raised t to the forefront. Although fire situation in a PV panel is a rare occurrence, GSES Australia [3] undertook inspections of PV panels, post fire incidents and outlined the following three (3) causes of fires:
- Poor workmanship which attributed to water ingress into the DC isolator leading to electrical faults.
- Cable termination points are not properly secured or attached.
- Physical damage to the panel, microcracks in the panel can lead to hotspots which can then lead to a fire incident.
However, it should be noted that PV panels and integrated PV panels present different risks in buildings. BCA Clause C2D10 stipulates that for Type A and B construction, elements in the external wall must comprise of non-combustible materials. The main intent being to halt the likelihood of vertical fire spread up a building façade. Whilst traditional glass is considered non-combustible, the introduction of integrated PV glazed windows into high rise buildings would potentially trigger a non-compliance. This is due to the circuitry associated with the PV panel.
Stølen et. al. [1] undertook fire tests on facades with integrated PV panels. Results from the large-scale façade test outlined that self-propagation of the fire vertically up the façade is a likely outcome. Despite the presence of ventilated cavity barriers in the façade, one of the findings from the Stølen et. al. [1] fire tests was that fire spread was possible via the cavity despite the limited amount of combustible material.
Whilst work is still being undertaken to further develop integrated PV panels, general concerns remain for the overall fire safety aspects when looking to integrate them into high rise buildings. Due to the potential fire spread pathways, such elements can be more akin to combustible cladding, a problem which has only recently been rectified.
Hence, where integrated PV panels are proposed a holistic fire safety framework, referring to European research is recommended. Stølen et. al. [1] recommends that large scale fire tests be undertaken on the integrated PV system based on the wall build up.
Hence, for the purposes of compliance with NCC J9D5, integrated PV panels aren’t necessarily required, as attached panels would be considered capable of complying with this requirement. It remains important to note that with the general movement towards clean energy and net zero emissions, consideration should still be given to integrated PV panels.
In conclusion, while integrated photovoltaic (PV) systems offer a promising path towards sustainable energy, it's essential to address the fire safety concerns they present, especially in high-rise buildings. By implementing a holistic fire safety framework and conducting large-scale fire tests, we can mitigate these risks and ensure that our transition to renewable energy is both safe and effective. As we continue to innovate and adopt cleaner energy solutions, prioritising safety will be key to their successful integration into modern buildings.
- [1] R. Stølen, T. Li, T. Wingdhal, and A. Steen-Hansen, ‘Large- and small-scale fire test of a building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) façade system’, Fire Safety Journal, vol. 144, Mar. 2024, [Online]. Available:
- [2] ClearVuePV, ‘How it Works’, Product information page. Accessed: Jul. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available:
- [3] GSES Australia, ‘What Causes Solar PV Fires and How to Prevent Them’. [Online]. Available: